February 20, 2012

Herb-encrusted Steak w/ Asparagus

Now that I've given you guys instructions for how to tell if meat is good to dumpster or not, here's a dish that involves meat!

- However much asparagus you want to eat
- 1 prime steak filet
- Rosemary
- Thyme
- Garlic
- Sage
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- Lemon juice (optional)
- Olive oil or butter (optional)

So, there's two ways to do this. One is if you're actually grilling and BBQing and it's a beautiful summer's day. The other method is used when it's cold as balls and going outside includes the danger of frostbite. I've provided both options for you just in case. I usually only trust meat that I've dumpstered in the winter, so grilling isn't an option in most cases.



Drizzle with lemon juice, olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste.
Throw it on the grill until it's turned a bright, dark green and has softened a bit (test with a fork).


Cut up all the spices and herbs and stick it on the steak for about 30 minutes, also letting the steak get to room temperature. Stick it on the grill for about 2-3 min. per side (depending on thickness) with the grill lid open. Put it on the warmer part of the grill (if you have one) with the lid closed for another 5-10 minutes. Make sure to move the steak around to get those cool perfect grill lines.



Get a frying pan and fill it with water so it's a little higher than the height of your asparagus. Bring the water to a boil.
Toss in your asparagus. Turn it occasionally until a fork barely goes through and the asparagus gets a nice healthy green color (it shouldn't take too long).
Drain your water, add salt, pepper, and butter to your liking.


Use the same herb-encrusted preparation as the grilled version of this recipe. Then, on a very hot pan, sear each side of your steak for 2-4 minutes until it's brown and slightly charred. This should be enough to have your steak come out rare (that's how I like it). If you want something a little more well-done, turn the heat down and turn the steak a few more times to cook it through over a few more minutes.

Items not dumpstered or donated: Olive oil, salt & pepper, garlic, herbs (from my garden)

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